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  • 21 Burgess Road, Southampton, SO16 7AP
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18th August 2020


Please be reassured we are following all the guidance to ensure your attendance at the practice is safe.

We ask all our patients to follow the procedures we have in place as it ensures we can protect all staff and patients, and continue to provide dental care to the community.

If you are elderly, vulnerable or have been in a shielded category please do contact the practice as we have special appointment clots dedicated to cater to your needs

If you are worried about coming to the practice during the pandemic, please have a read of our processes and we hope this provides you with reassurance.

We are happy to answer any questions you may have – email


  • We have changed our computer system to allow us to reduce paperwork at the practice. This reduces the transmission of bugs, by eliminating passing of paperwork between patients and staff. We ask if patients have email addresses, they let us know so we can update their records. If you do not have an email, please let us know and our reception team will go over the necessary questions over the telephone.
  • Dental practices already have very high infection control processes in place (even pre COVID). All our staff are trained, and regularly update on the infection control procedures.
  • We ask you to wear a mask to your appointment.
  • We are offering an appointment only and one in one out service, therefore reducing the number of people in the waiting room at any one time. If you need to purchase any sundries then please do come to the practice and we will assist you. If you need an appointment please call or email the practice.
  • Payment – we may ask to take payment before your appointment over the phone, OR after the appointment if there is a remaining balance. Please note we are only accepting card payments. If you need to bring cash then we ask you to put this in a plastic bag of the exact amount before coming.
  • Please ensure you adhere to social distancing when moving through the practice.


  • We will send you key information regarding your appointment.
  • We will ask you fill out forms and send these back to us including a new medical history form – this is done via a portal. Just input your DOB and surname.
  • You will be asked questions surrounding COVID 19.
  • We may organise a video consultation if necessary.


  • If you have any symptoms for COVID 19/ have been in contact with or have anyone in your household with symptoms you must call the practice.
  • Before leaving for your appointment please ensure you have had something to eat, visited the lavatory and brushed your teeth.
  • Please do not bring non-essential items with you (including shopping bags) and in particular avoid bringing valuables.
  • Please call the practice when you arrive and remain in your car, or knock on the door and wait outside the practice.


  • We will call you in when we are ready for you to enter the practice.
  • On entry you will be asked to sanitise your hands.
  • There will be no patients in the waiting room (unless there is an elderly patient or anyone who cannot wait outside), and you will be guided straight into the treatment room.
  • Please do not approach our receptionists on the desk and follow social distancing markings at all times.


  • Before you enter the room you will be asked to leave your coat/bag in a box provided.
  • Please do not be alarmed by our staff who will be wearing extra PPE gear.
  • You will be asked to sit directly in the chair without touching any other areas of the room.
  • Depending on the procedure you may be asked to use a mouthwash for 1 minute.
  • At the end of your appointment any instructions will be given verbally and you will be asked to sanitise hands before leaving the surgery.


  • You will be asked to take your belongings from the box and exit the practice.
  • Any important instructions will be sent to you via email.
  • If any appointments are needed or any payments need to be taken this will be done at reception on your way out.
  • You will be sent any booking confirmations/receipts/treatment plans/information leaflets VIA EMAIL.

In between all appointments the treatment rooms are thoroughly cleaned according to the current guidance


If you have an aerosol generating procedure (i.e. a treatment that needs to use our drills that creates aerosol) the treatment rooms are left for 1 hour after this has finished. The Clinical team will then re-enter the room to clean thoroughly.

For this reason the appointment diaries need careful planning, and we ask for patience as we do our best to complete treatments as soon as possible, but also ensuring it this continues to follow the clinical guidance.

Thank you all for your support during this challenging time!

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  • 21 Burgess Road, Southampton, SO16 7AP
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