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Mouth cancer affects the lives of thousands of people every day. Screening for mouth cancer is an effective way to detect oral cancer at an early stage.

Mouth cancer screening is a routine inspection that we do, whenever you come to the practice for a regular check-up or hygiene appointment.

We check your face, lips, gums, tongue, mouth and throat for abnormalities. Signs that you should not ignore are:

  • Persistent growths or lumps
  • Bleeding ulcers
  • Red or white patches on the lining of the mouth
  • Persistent pain when swallowing

While these signs are not always the symptoms of mouth cancer, you should always seek medical consultation as soon as possible. With early detection, mouth cancer recovery rates are much higher.

Can oral cancer be prevented?

The risks of mouth cancer can be reduced with healthy lifestyle choices. These can include cutting down or stopping smoking, reducing alcohol consumption, taking regular exercise and eating a balanced diet.

For more information regarding this treatment

contact us or Call: 02380 790 935

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Bassett Dental & Aesthetics - Logo
  • 21 Burgess Road, Southampton, SO16 7AP
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